Another Blog post

Hello, I am a little blind text. And I have been for as long as I can remember. It wasn't easy to understand what it means to be a blind text: You don't make sense. Really no sense. You get shoved in and spun around incoherently - and often not read at all. But does that alone make me a worse text than others? All right, I'll never make the bestseller lists. But other texts don't make it either. And that's why I'm not particularly bothered about being blind. And if you are still reading these lines, I have achieved something as a small blind text that all the real and important texts usually only dream of.
this text actually has no real content. but it also has no relevance, and that's why it doesn't matter. it only serves as a placeholder. to show how this part of the page looks when a few lines are present. i don't know if the text feels good about that. i guess not, because who feels good as a placeholder. but someone has to do this job and that's why i can't change it. the most i could do is give the text a little encouragement that he also plays an important role as a placeholder and is definitely needed. i could imagine that it would do him good. because the feeling of being needed is good for everyone, isn't it? of course, he's replaceable. i can't tell him that, of course. because being replaceable is terrible. being replaceable actually means that it's not you who's needed, but simply someone or something in your place. so my first argument, that you are needed, would no longer be valid, and the previously created good feeling of the text would be destroyed. i don't want that. so please don't give anything away, okay? but maybe he won't notice. that would be good, because who wants to place a depressed blind text on his page. what kind of impression would that make. no one wants to read that. so he would actually be completely useless once and for all. that would be his death sentence. we don't want it to come to that, do we? unless, and that's possible, he would be reborn and come to the text world as, well, let's say as a joke, and one text life later maybe as an educational newspaper article. at some point he might even be a text in the lexicon. then we would even have brought him further in his development. doesn't sound bad at all, does it? nevertheless, i don't think you should deliberately push it there. it has a right to develop on its own. at exactly the pace that suits it. and until that happens, i'll just accept it as it is. as a simple dummy text without any real content.